“Interchangeable Cores: Small Format”, ©2000 by William M. Lynk, CML, CPS, has now become a standard in the international market! This book that started it all, covers everything you need to know about how to service, sell, install and troubleshoot small format I-Cores. Learn the basics in an easy-to-understand (and sometimes humorous) format that is excellent for beginning locksmiths or those new to the SFIC world. Forget about the problems with math and all the specifics, William Lynk, an IC Specialist for over 30 years, explains it all in a way that is fun to learn. Chapters include: Terminology, IC Advantages, Blanks, Tools, Removing Cores from Stubborn Shells, Decoding Cores, Pinning, Record Keeping, Installing & Planning a System, Master Keying, Billing/Pricing and Tips for Success. Each chapter has a quiz, including a Final Exam to help reinforce your understanding. There are over 140 pages of priceless information designed to make I-Core work quick, easy and profitable! This book is a valuable addition to anyone's library. ITEM CODE: ICSF
ISBN: 9781733843409
Same book on CD-Rom ITEM CODE: ICSF-CD
PRICE: $59.00
“Removable Cores: Large Format” ©2003 by William M. Lynk, CML, CPS, is packed with exploded views, photos, diagrams, pictures, charts, line art, drawings and various graphics, that will aid the reader in understanding and in solving individual RC problems on your job site! Written by an IC Specialist who has been working with cores since 1974, why worry about Sargent, Kaba, Schlage, Corbin Russwin, Medeco or Yale again??? Get this book and have an up-to-date resource at your fingertips. Each chapter is dedicated to a single manufacturer (with Chapter Quizzes) and was created under the auspices of the six major core manufacturers, namely: Yale, Corbin Russwin, Medeco, Schlage, Kaba and Sargent. This was a cooperative milestone, which became a “first” for the competitive lock manufacturers, and coordinated by Bill Lynk! The book was written and then each chapter was submitted to the respective manufacturer for accuracy and comments. But.....if you are only interested in ONE particular manufacturer for your current job...excellent!! This book, all 240 pages with Final Exam, is organized [with a superb index] just for you! You can look up what you need to know and then move on.......allowing for accurate and fast information delivery. This book is a 'must have' and is essential for understanding and properly servicing the popular large format interchangeable core. ITEM CODE: RCLF
ISBN: 9781733843416
Same book on CD-Rom ITEM CODE: RCLF-CD
PRICE: $79.00
“SFIC: Advanced” ©2005 by William M. Lynk, CML, CPS, THE book for anyone who has worked on or now works with SFICs on a regular basis. A true break-through in the SFIC arena, this comprehensive 309-page collection contains never-before printed information on keyway profiles, graphic pin segments for all systems, a new IC pin chart, master keyed control key lists, and much, much more! This revolutionary book includes 249 crisp digital photos, 58 easy-to-read charts, 112 superb diagrams (with exploded views) and even nine exams to test your knowledge! Review SFIC original patent diagrams along with historical information, previously only shared with a select few. In addition, this is the most complete, up-to-date assembly of SFIC tools anywhere, coupled with detailed information on creating, decoding and servicing existing and NEW types of SFIC systems. This virtual "Encyclopedia of SFIC" was written by one who teaches IC for ALOA, locksmith associations and security conferences nationally. Absolutely everything you need to know is here.....so, don't miss out on an easy way to increase your sales with the help of this SFIC gem! ITEM CODE: SFAV
ISBN: 9781733843423
Same book on CD-Rom ITEM CODE: SFAV-CD
PRICE: $119.00
"A Guide Through the ALOA PRP - A Roadmap for Success" ©2021. This 78-page study guide written by William M. Lynk, CML, CPS, M.Ed., is the perfect tool to help successfully achieve within the ALOA PRP (Proficiency Registration Program) series of exams. A full explanation of what the PRP is with reliable test taking strategies will certainly aid in positive test results. Each of the 10 sections of the Mandatory Exam are broken down, detailed on what is being tested, study resources listed and 6 or 7 sample multiple choice questions (very similar to what is found on the test) are offered to reinforce directed study. Correct answers are provided. Then, each of the 28 Elective Exams are also detailed with testing subjects, study resources and 3-4 sample questions provided to help get a feel for the content being tested. Nothing this comprehensive has ever been complied to assist in the preparation and success of the security professional within the testing areas. 75 pages; ISBN 9781733843430; USA $99.00
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